Sunday, October 26, 2008

A day of fun!

Yesterday was quite a busy day! Hannah had her very first birthday party that she was invited to. The little boy,Cameron, is the son of one of my friends that I went to school with. We played softball and danced together on drill team. Small world....her and her husband live not 2 miles down the road from us and their son goes to pre-school with Hannah. In fact, she came home the other day and told me that Cameron was her boyfriend and that they were going to play baseball together. When I told Katy this, we both laughed. How cute is that? Any how, back to the birthday party....I went in to drop her off and she froze. She didn't want me to leave! It more hug Mommy, no just one more! I was about to die! I told Katy I have to just turn around and leave, I know she'll be fine once I'm gone! I left and never got a call to come and get her. I went to pick her up and saw her playing with all of the other boys!! That's right, boys! She was the only girl! Didn't seem to bother her one bit! She evidently got right in there and had a great time. She talked about it all the way home!
After we got home, it was time to get ready to go to the farm! We say farm because this is where my parents hope to be very soon! They would love to have their land with a log cabin and a farm on it! For right now my Aunt and Uncle have some property up there with a lake and we go up there every now and then to have get togethers! Last night was a bonfire night! We got up there around 5 p.m. and had hamburgers and hot dogs and let the kids run around! We brought the John Deere tractor up there and the kids took turns playing with that! They also got to see some catfish in the lake! After a couple of hours of play....Hannah was tired and wanted to go home. Bless her heart, she had a long day! Check out our pictures from the "farm!"


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You all looked like you were having so much FUN!! Congratulatins Hannah on your first big girl,no mommy birthday party!! That had to have been a blast! Jake, you little handsome dude...did you like the big fire? Melissa, you are such an awesome Mommy! Thanks for keeping us updated on your blog...we love to read about what's going on all the time! Brent you're an awesome Daddy too!! Love you all!!! Aunt Kerri

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
Fantastic a birthday party, Hannah must have quite a social life. And the farm looks like alot of fun. And beautiful landscape and lots of it. Wow! even a big fire.I know you all had a great time!