Sunday, September 14, 2008

Way to go Jake!

Well, big news here in the Reubin house....Jake is potty training!! This is not something that I was really thinking about. I was more concerned about getting him to sleep in the big boy bed! On Friday the kids went to Mother's Day Out like usual and this time when I picked them up their teacher informed me that Jake went to the potty! I was shocked! He's only 22 months! I was thinking I would start when he closer to 2 1/2 maybe even 3. I had heard horror stories about little boys and potty training! Well, we have "Super Jake" here and he has gone all weekend and at least 7 times today!!! Yippee! It's been so easy! He just says "potty, potty" and we run to the bathroom and he goes! How many 22 month olds do you know that are potty training?? Anyway, we went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got him his very own "boy potty seat". It's spiderman!! Check out some of the pictures I took! Don't worry the potty seat is clean. He was just showing off! So the next step, I guess, is to get him into the big boy bed. One step at a time!

1 comment:

The Greats said...

Way to go Jake!!!! Dad and Mom willl love this---a light at the end of the tunnel---no more diapers--just like a giant pay raise. We have been without power due to "Ike" since 4 a.m. Sunday morning but we are back on-line this morning. Just mild compared to Lin and Steph. We talked to them this morning and they are becoming quite adept at "camping out"--no ice, running short of food, NO COFFEE, and the grocery shelves are almost empty.
Give Jake and Hannah a big hug and Jake an extra special one for his new accomplishment.