Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Key West Trip

Our Key West trip last week was absolutely the best! We had so much fun and did a lot of relaxing!! This was a much needed trip for both of us. Key West is such a neat and colorful place to go. There is a lot of history, many things to see and some yummy food. So yummy in fact, I gained a couple of pounds! Oh well, it's vacation! We enjoyed going on a dolphin safari. We had to actually search for one but, one finally came around. It was pretty to watch! It came up a couple of time and then finally rode the wave in the front of the boat!! They took us out in the middle of the ocean to go snorkeling. Very many beautiful fish. Then towards the end of the trip they took us to the sand bar out in the middle of no where. He pulled the boat up onto the sand and let us venture out. This is where we found our shells for Hannah. We even got to see a couple of sting rays!

Although we very much enjoyed our time by ourselves, we still missed our little stinkers! We were glad to get back and play with them! Check out our pictures from the trip!

the view from our room

the pier the jetted out from our hotel....and the beach that we lounged at

The sandbar that we played on

After our dolphin trip, this little manatee visited the marina

Evidently, they like to drink fresh water from the hose!

I know this picture is fuzzy but it was at night and this was the best I could get. This is the 90 mile marker at the southern most part of the island....90 miles to Cuba!

We decided after walking around the island for 3 days.....we would take a break and rent a scooter. Pretty fun!!

Our last excursion...a sunset champagne cruise on a catamaran!! Oh, and we saw another dolphin!


The Greats said...

Great pictures, even the 90 mile to Cuba. Glad Brent didn't decide to take a long swim.
The scooter and the catamaran appeal to me the most and of course the beach and just being lazy in the sun.
Glad you two had such a great time!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
What! a trip. The weather must have been perfect just beautiful for you both. And the water looks so inviting and clear.Glad you had lots of fun. We enjoyed the Hannah and Jake.

Laura said...

Thanks for the pictures! It looks like a lot of fun.