Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A little behind!

Well, the title speaks for itself. Yes, I haven't posted in a while. The kids had all of last week off and Brent was not around for most of it. It was a little hard to find things to keep the kids busy and entertained for 12 hours out of the day. Thankfully, we were able to spend most of the week at the park and the gym. They were okay with that! This week they both started their new class schedule. Hannah is in pre-K on Monday and Wednesdays from 9-2 p.m. and Jake is in the 3yr old class on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9-2 p.m. It was a little bit of an adjustment switching days and packing lunches for both but, all in all it has been great. It has been so nice to have Jake in class a couple of hours longer than normal. It gives me some great one on one time with Hannah. I have been dropping off and then coming home to walk with each one of them. We then get to visit the park for a little while! Today was Hannah's day at school and also her tumbling lesson. Since Jake was normally in school on Wednesday's it always worked out for me to watch her without chasing him every which way. Today was a different story. He was everywhere and I didn't get to watch her. Thankfully, they have another class that I switched her to that coincides with Jake's day at school. Next week will be a little better, I'm sure.

A couple of weeks ago we attended the graduation ceremony for the pre-k kids. Hannah's class was part of the ceremony even though they weren't graduating. They gave us a peek of what they worked on this year. It was really cute watching her up on stage singing songs. She did so good and looked so grown up. I took a couple of pictures to share!

And for you great grandparents up in Arkansas...I know we don't get to see you as much as we would like but, that doesn't mean that Jake doesn't remember who you are. I took this after he picked it up and said very clearly "Grandma and Pop-Pop!!!" Seriously....too gosh darn cute!!!

1 comment:

The Greats said...

Hi Family,
So cute to see all the kids "graduating" and Hannah was totally into it wasn't she?
Give Jake a hug and tell him thanks for remembering his Arkansas
Love you all,