Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hot Shots Invitation

Great news!!! Hannah has been hand picked, by the owner of the Tumble Bugs, to join a group called the Hot Shots!! Brent dropped off Hannah this morning and was handed a note as he was leaving. Here is what it said:

Congratulations! I think your child has potential and possesses the right tenacity to be a great gymnast. The Fireflies that have been selected really thrive in the gym. This Hot Shots program will allow them longer hours of training, introduce them to new skills that others at their age are not ready for, and help create a love for the sport that will last a lifetime! These classes will also be geared for advanced gymnastics in preparation to our USAG (USA Gymnastics Association) competitive program; yet will remain the FUN that has always been the roots at TBG!

Brent and I talked about it and we are so impressed with Hannah's gymnastic abilities and are so very proud of her!! When I read the note earlier, my eyes welled up with tears of joy!! She is such a remarkable little girl and Brent and I are so blessed to have her as our child!
This new program would begin at the end of August and is composed of about 8 girls. It would be 2 times a week for an hour and half. We thought we would leave it up to Hannah on whether she would like to join or not. I talked to her about it on the way home for school today. She was very excited! I explained it would be more time in the gym and her response was....."so I can be on the bars and beam more???" I told her yes and of course she said that she wanted to do it. If you haven't seen her in class....she is awesome on the uneven bars and the balance beam!! No FEAR at all!!
I haven't forgotten that we have another child!! I know the last posts have been about Hannah but, Jake has been under the weather this week. I took him to the doc on Monday because he was coughing quite a bit. I think we caught it early enough to were it didn't get too bad. He has been on steroids and breathing treatments this week. Tomorrow we go back to the doc to see if all is good and if it is....back to school he goes!!

Today Brent left to go out to Mississippi and we probably won't get to see him until next Tuesday!! So, it's going to be a long week here without him!! But, thank God for the business! This past Saturday, Brent had a trip landing into Mckinney airport. We took the opportunity to go out and see him and the new plane. We even got to ride back with him to Red Bird!! This was a huge treat for us! Ya know, that was most of our dates back in the day. Meet him at Mckinney airport and fly back to Red Bird just to turn around and drive back to Plano. We loved it though! Those were the days!! Anyway, here are some pictures of the kids on the Citation!

This is one of her favorite poses!

Pilot in training! pics of the airplane!

And this is what he gets to fly in when working....sweet ride, huh??


The Greats said...

Congratulations Hannah!! We will plan on coming to Texas and going to class with you. Would love to see you go through your routines.
Jake we hope you are feeling better. The pictures of you and Hannah on Dad's new airplane are great. It's a beautiful plane.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
YEA!! Hannah. Way to go. We love your new airplane. It looks like your kids love it to. Is Jake in tumbling class, too? We are glad for Hannah's accomplishments. And Brent's new plane.